Top 25 Outdoor Movie: Star Wars
The final movie on our Top 25 Outdoor Movies of All Time List, is the six-part film series Star Wars. The series that began in 1977, has changed movie making forever, while enchanting millions of Star Wars fans. Here is the original theatrical release trailer for the 1977 film Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.
The original Star Wars trilogy changed movie making in many ways. The special effects were state-of-the-art, and continue to be pretty amazing, even by today's standards. When the original Star Wars was released in 1977, it blew out the box office, with nearly half a billion dollars in ticket sales in the United States alone (making it the #4 top grossing film in US history).
Collectively, the six Star Wars films have grossed nearly 4.5 billion dollars! Beyond the huge ticket sales, Star Wars is a series that is about the struggle between good and evil, light and dark, and is a wholesome series that will certainly draw out large numbers of your community!

The six Star Wars films make the perfect selection for an outdoor movie film series, and by the end of the festival, you'd have quite a bit of hype surrounding your event. You'd certainly get quite a bit of attention in your local press, and would be able to galvanize your community in a very real way.
There aren't many people that don't love Star Wars, and there probably isn't a better group of films that would be as universally loved by just about any community. The themes that run throughout the series are able to be likened across a broad variety of world-views, and thus will help bring your community together in significant ways.

With characters such as Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Vader, Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker, and R2-D2 - the series presents one of the best opportunities for a costume contest as a pre-show activity. You could have a best-costume award for each of the films, with a grand winner for all of the events. Prizes could be given for each of the individual film winners (the awards being donated by local businesses), with a much large prize for the overall winner.
You're guaranteed to have dozens of little Yodas and Luke Sywalkers running around with light sabers in their brown jedi cloaks! Has anyone shown one of the Star Wars films, or all of them in a series as a part of their Outdoor Movie events? If so we'd love to see pictures, and to hear your story. Please post your comments to the comment section below. We look forward to seeing what you come up with!