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Seattle, Washington: Michael Jackson's Thriller Dance Added to Outdoor Movie Lineup
by Caleb Mitchell
'Thriller' Dance Added to Fremont Zombie Block Party Lineup
When Michael Jackson died late last week, staff at the Fremont Outdoor Cinema asked themselves, Is it possible to have a zombie block party on Friday without paying homage to Jackson's "Thriller?"
The answer, of course, is "heck no."
So in addition to a zombie fashion show, zombie movie screening and world record attempt zombie walk, Friday's Red, White and Dead zombie block party will include a re-enactment of Jackson's hit video.
"We're going to try to make this a fun tribute for him," said organizer Ryan Reiter.
Want to join in? Show up early dressed as a zombie to the block party near 3501 Phinney Ave. N. A "Thriller" dance expert will lead the group in a tutorial before the official dance, set to start at 9 p.m.
To get warmed up, check out the 40-step tutorial on YouTube, or the simpler lessons below:
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