New Haven, Connecticut: Enjoy Outdoor Movies Hosted by Elm City Vineyard Church in New Haven

Outdoor Movies at Elm City Vineyard Church in New Haven, ConnecticutElm City Vineyard Church in New Haven, Connecticut will be hosting an outdoor movie this Friday. Hot summer nights, drive in movies under the stars, popcorn and m&m's... all of this and more (sans cars) can be had THIS FRIDAY night at the Sharp's backyard drive-in movie theater. Showtime will be at dusk (8:00-8:30ish). We'll kick back lawn chairs and watch a most interesting and entertaining film with spiritual/theological themes and an optional discussion afterwards. The movie is a surprise, but it is guaranteed to move, intrigue, surprise, inspire, or bother you. July's showing of Once received rave reviews by the 15 or so ECVers and friends, and an interesting conversation ensued. We'll will provide the popcorn and soda. You can bring your favorite candy, cookies, chips and dip or other favorite edible. In case of rain, we'll crowd inside. Source: Elm City Vineyard blog. Read full blog post at:

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