Movie in the Park essential: Open Air Cinema's Event Producer's Tackle Box
Order Open Air Cinema's Event Producer's Tacklebox in the OAC online store today, or contact us by calling 866-802-8202 or by filling out our online contact form.
Are you producing outdoor movie events on a regular basis, as either movie in the park happenings, or as a professional audio visual company? If so, make sure you have Open Air Cinema's Event Producer's Tacklebox on hand - it will make your life much easier and much less stressful when it comes to solving your audio visual problems.
Open Air Cinema's outdoor movie systems come with everything you need to run a successful outdoor cinema event, but sometimes you'll need some extra connectors if you plan on customizing your content. If you are a professional outdoor movie producer or event rentals company, often times your client will have a special audio visual need.В Sometimes a client will want you to hook up their laptop or their VHS player, and you'll need to be prepared with the right connectors so that you can get the proper signal to your Cinebox audio visual console.В And sometimes you'll want to connect the device directly into your outdoor video projector.В You'll need the proper cables for that as well.
This is where the Event Producer's Tacklebox comes into the picture. With 22 essential adapters, and the tools you need to implement these connections, you can't go wrong with the Event Producer's Tacklebox. We've used the tacklebox ourselves in Port-au-Prince Haiti for the outdoor cinema screenings we've been holding there since March, and we've always had every connector we need.В We definitely rely on the Tackle Box, as it is impossible to get specific audio visual parts in Haiti, and especially when they are needed quickly.
Order your Event Prodcer's Tackle Box today in the OAC online store, or contact us by calling 866-802-8202.В We look forward to speaking with you soon, and to placing your order for your Event Producer's Tackle Box.