Latest Apple Laptops in Every A/V Package
Open Air Cinema includes MacBooks in all outdoor cinema systems.
The latest MacBook Pro M4 delivers the latest in performance and projection capabilities. The most important new feature is macOS Sonoma using Apple Silicon can use & display any iPad or iPhone app! This opens up a world of projection content.
Each laptop comes with a protective outer shell, a silicone keyboard cover, and a waterproof padded case. We also include a USB-C powered Blu-ray external drive and a USB-C powered Focusrite digital audio mixer.

While both models offer exceptional performance, the MacBook Pro M4 provides native HDMI output, greater storage capacity for extensive media libraries, and more processing power.
The latest from OpenAI Sora and ChatGPTo3-mini-high can transform outdoor projection content. Try conjuring Sora AI videos for your audience or craft images instantly onscreen with DALL-E. Try using the high-resolution, built-in front-facing camera, to project yourself onto the inflatable screen - FaceTime your own audience!
By including a MacBook with every system, we ensure a wide range of app integration and an up-to-date projectionist experience. Laptop projection is a necessity these days and this inclusion insures future-proof capacities. Call us, I'm certain we can cultishly rave more about this latest Mac companion.