First Annual Open Air Cinema Photo Contest

We are excited to announce the First Annual Open Air Cinema Photo Contest! We think outdoor cinema is a beautiful global tradition, and we want to see how you are using your Open Air Cinema equipment to promote your businesses and galvanize your communities.
The contest is simple. Send in the best photographs of your outdoor cinema events to be entered for a chance to win one of three Open Air Cinema screens! The prizes are as follows:
- 1st place = 16' Pro Screen.
- 2nd Place = 16' Home Screen.
- 3rd place = 12' Home Screen.
Further, a special one-time discount of 10% off any product will be given to every customer who enters the contest. See the contest rules at the bottom of this post for a detailed description of how to enter.
Because we know many of you have just begun screening outdoor movies this year, we are accepting submissions through June 18th, 2010. We look forward to seeing all of your photos, and the great things you are doing with outdoor cinema, because we love outdoor movies, and we appreciate all of our wonderful customers!
CONTEST RULES Each contestant must submit the following in order to be officially entered into the First Annual Open Air Photo Contest:
- At least one digital photograph of one of your outdoor cinema events using Open Air Cinema equipment. Photographs must be in jpg, tiff, png, or gif format.
- A description of the event, including how long you have been holding the event, a little about your city, and who the key players are that make stuff happen! (don't be modest - brag about yourself!).
- Send the above to
We'll send a confirmation email back to you, along with the full contest rules and instructions on how to redeem your 10% promotional discount! *There is no limit to the amount of photos you may submit, although we discourage too many photos that are similar.