A Poolside Cinema Experience With Your Open Air Cinema Outdoor Movie Screen System
Contact us today at 866-802-8202 or use our online contact form, to place your order for your Open Air Cinema outdoor movie system. We look forward to speaking with you, and to getting you on your way to enjoying movies beside the pool with family and friends!
The latest and greatest thing for those who have a swimming pool is to set up an Open Air Cinema outdoor movie screen system next to the pool for a poolside cinema experience.В Families everywhere are enjoying their favorite movies while having a pool party or just relaxing on the weekends. An Open Air Cinema outdoor movie system is easy to setup, with the option of rear projection (ask which OAC inflatable movie screens have this capability) which allows for you to hook up your outdoor projector and speaker system behind your inflatable movie screen.В When you rear project, you can set up your screen right next to the pool for a larger than life cinema experience.В So for your next pool party, family gathering, or weekend staycation, make sure to order an Open Air Cinema outdoor movie screen system for a poolside cinema experience.В It will be an experience that everyone will remember for years to come.
Contact us today at 866-802-8202 to order your Open Air Cinema outdoor movie screen system. We'll work with you to ship you your system as soon as possible so that you can have an amazing poolside cinema experience! We look forward to talking with you soon.